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view post Posted on 10/7/2012, 16:13

"The customer is king."



Audio e musica - Download audio
YouTube to MP3 Converter
YouTube to MP3 Converter Download

Versione: 3.9.30
Licenza: Freeware
Compatibilità: WinXP/Vista/7


Free YouTube to MP3 Converter, il lungo nome scelto da DvdVideoSoft per questo programma, spiega già di cosa si occupa: crea un file MP3 dalla colonna sonora di un video di YouTube. L'utilizzo è semplicissimo, anche perché non è possibile personalizzare in alcun modo il procedimento
YouTube è la fonte di video per eccellenza. Se stai cercando un filmato, non c'è sito migliore. Ma è anche un'ottima risorsa musicale. Molti videoclip sono pubblicati su YouTube direttamente dai produttori, e tanti utenti utilizzano canzoni e musiche più o meno note come colonne sonore dei loro video.
Proprio a questo devono avere pensato gli sviluppatori di Free YouTube to MP3 Converter, un'applicazione semplice e gratuita che ti permette di salvare la colonna sonora di qualsiasi filmato presente su YouTube. Free YouTube to MP3 Converter è ancora più facile da usare del noto servizio online VidtoMp3: ti basta inserire l'indirizzo web del video e selezionare una tra le quattro impostazioni predefinite di compressione, per avere un nuovo file MP3 pronto sul tuo computer.
Free YouTube to MP3 Converter è velocissimo. A meno di non aver problemi con la connessione Internet, bastano pochi secondi per scaricare l'audio dai video e creare il file. Peccato solo che Free YouTube to MP3 Converter permetta di convertire una sola colonna sonora alla volta e che non sia possibile personalizzare la qualità dei file MP3.

Download YouTube to MP3 Converter

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Web Contacts  Top
view post Posted on 10/7/2012, 23:29

"The customer is king."



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Web Contacts  Top
view post Posted on 11/7/2012, 12:43

"The customer is king."



/* Skin created by .Ken in collaboration with »Vegeta™ © Vietata Riproduzione © */

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/* Tabelle */

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/* BOTTONI 2 */

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/* Tagboard */

.tag .mtitle {text-align: center}

.tag .aa, .tag .ww {background: transparent none; font-size: 11px; color: #9B9B9B; font-weight: bold}

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.stats .border {width: 85%}

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.daconvalidare {color: #C3C3C3}
.gruppo1 {color: #FF8100; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000000; font-weight: bold}
.gruppo2 {color: #FF6088; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000000; font-weight: bold}
.gruppo3 {color: #FFC281; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000000; font-weight: bold}
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.board .mtitle, .forum .mtitle {padding-top: 14px; text-align: center}

.mtitle {text-align: left; word-spacing: 1px; letter-spacing: 1px; padding-top: 4px; padding-left: 12px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px; color: #CFCFCF; width: 100%}

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.mback_left {width: 6px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat}

.mback_right {width: 6px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat}

.mleft, .mright {width: 0} .msub {border-bottom: 0; border-top: 0; height: 20px; background-color: #0A0A0A; background-image: url(}

.msub_left {width: 14px; background-image: url(}

.msub_right {width: 14px; background-image: url(}


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.mright_top {width: 3px; background-image: url(; background-position: bottom left; background-repeat: no-repeat}

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.mright, .sep_right {width: 3px; background-image: url(; background-position: left; background-repeat: repeat-y}

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.mright_bottom {width: 5px; background-image: url(; background-position: bottom left; background-repeat: no-repeat}


.mainbg {background-color: #0A0A0A}

.bb {background: #0A0A0A url( no-repeat top; background-position: left top; color: #888888; font-weight: normal; font-size: 10px}

.board .aa, .forum .aa {background: #0A0A0A}

.zz {color: #858484; background: #0A0A0A url( no-repeat top; background-position: left top; font-size: 12px}

.board .ww {background: #0A0A0A url( repeat-x top}

.forum .ww {background: #0A0A0A}

.cc {color: #858484; background: #0A0A0A url( repeat-x top; font-weight: normal; font-size: 10px}

.xx, .yy {color: #858484; background: #0A0A0A url( repeat-x top; font-weight: normal; font-size: 10px}

.ww, .aa, .xx, .yy, .zz, .bb, .cc {padding-top: 10px}

.forum .yy, .forum .cc {font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px}

.board .cc {font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px}

.board .xx {font-weight: bold; font-size: 15px}

.board .yy {font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px}

.forum .xx {font-weight: bold; font-size: 15px}

.title, .sunbar {font-size: 12px; height: 36px; text-decoration: bold; background-repeat: repeat-x; color: #858484}

.title {height: 36px; font-weight: bold; color: #858484; padding-top: 2px}

.title a:link, .title a:visited {color: #CFCFCF; size: 12px; transition: color 0.6s; -moz-transition: color 0.6s; -webkit-transition: color 0.6s; -o-transition: 0.6s; color: #3D7E99}

.title a:hover {color: #FFFFFF}

.main1 {background-image: url(; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: top}

.main2 {background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left top}

.main3 {background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right top}

.desc {font-size: 10px; color: #9B9B9B; font-weight: bold}

.board .foot {display:none}

.board .desc {padding: 5px; background: #0C0C0C; border-radius: 6px; border: 1px solid #131313; box-shadow: inset 0 0 16px #0F0F0F;

transition-property: border-color; transition-duration: 1s; -webkit-transition-property: border-color; -webkit-transition-duration: 1s; -o-transition-property: border-color; -o-transition-duration: 1s; -moz-transition-property: border-color; -moz-transition-duration: 1s}

.board div:hover > .desc {background: #111111; border-radius: 6px; border: 1px solid #202020; box-shadow: inset 0 0 16px #161616}

.web {font-size: 10pt; line-height: 150%}

.web a:link {font-size: 10.5pt; color: #3D7E99}

.web a:hover {font-size: 10.5pt; border-bottom: 2px dotted #2DA6E3; color: #FFF; transition: color 0.6s; -moz-transition: color 0.6s; -webkit-transition: color 0.6s; -o-transition: 0.6s}

.board .foot {display:none}


#borders {background-color: transparent; background-image: none; margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto; margin-left: 290px; margin-right: auto; width: 200%}

.msg_txt a:link {font-family: arial}
.msg_txt a:hover {text-decoration: none}
.msg_main, .row1, .row3 {background-color: #0A0A0A; border-top: 1px solid #0A0A0A; border-bottom: 1px solid #0A0A0A}
.row3 a:link {color: #FFF; font-size: 9pt}
.row3 a:hover {color: #E17171; font-size: 9pt}
.title3, .darkbar {height: 23px; background: #000000; border-top: 1px solid #242424; border-bottom: 1px solid #FFF; font-weight: bold; color: #FFF}
.title3 {border: 0}
.msg .details p {font-size: 10px; line-height: 150%}
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/* INPUT */

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/* Inizio stili Tabella Slide con effetto fade */

/* Links per il cambio pannello, non modificare questa dichiarazione, usare quella sottostante */
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/* Crediti tabella: N.b: è vietata la rimozione di essi. */
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/* Impostazioni orologio */
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/* Fine stili Tabella Slide con effetto fade */

/* Nick Colour */

/* Balto */
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/* Haruka */
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/* TheSantoryuStyle*/
.nick a[href=""], .zz a[href=""], .xx a[href=""], .tag a[href="/?act=Profile&MID=8248713"] {color: #F1F1B4}

/* Richard*/
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/* kage */
.nick a[href=""], .zz a[href=""], .xx a[href=""], .tag a[href="/?act=Profile&MID=7908110"] {color: #F1F1B4}

/* naruto kun */
.nick a[href=""], .zz a[href=""], .xx a[href=""], .tag a[href="/?act=Profile&MID=8297367"] {color: #F1F1B4}

/* ghilford */
.nick a[href=""], .zz a[href=""], .xx a[href=""], .tag a[href="/?act=Profile&MID=7532253"] {color: #FFC281}

/* sky */
.nick a[href=""], .zz a[href=""], .xx a[href=""], .tag a[href="/?act=Profile&MID=5271477"] {color: #E17171}

/* Deshi */
.nick a[href=""], .zz a[href=""], .xx a[href=""], .tag a[href="/?act=Profile&MID=1754784"] {color: #E17171}

/* Heiki */
.nick a[href=""], .zz a[href=""], .xx a[href=""], .tag a[href="/?act=Profile&MID=8263958"] {color: #F1F1B4}

/* blackdevil96 */
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view post Posted on 30/7/2012, 01:12

"The customer is king."



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Edited by †_Balthier_† - 30/7/2012, 05:28
Web Contacts  Top
view post Posted on 30/7/2012, 05:20

"The customer is king."



- Controllare le statistiche e il font metterlo in bold

- Controllare il colore dei bottoni

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5 replies since 10/7/2012, 16:13   225 views